Introduction to my blog!

7 04 2013

Hi everyone! In this blog I will talk, well type, to you about how to build a good and possibly even a great medieval village, town, city or kingdom in Minecraft. I will of course cover the basics and then go into more detail about finishing touches and even more advanced techniques. I hope you enjoy this and more importantly I hope you apply these tips and techniques into your own Minecraft world.

World Painter

15 09 2013

So, the other day I got a brand new computer, downloded minecraft. The next day I downloaded mcpatcher and worldpainter.I then followed a tutorial on youtube and figured out how to use it. I then created a world with a large island using the seed 4 (it is just a massive ocean so you can create worlds from scratch) it had a small lake and an amazing mountain range with a few forests. Finally,I exported it to minecraft and it is amazing,I have now built a few houses on the world testing out nordic styles. Im going to create a better island and make a full nordic town on it and ill update you on my progress. Also I downloaded the conquest texture pack and it is great,in my opinion it is the best medieval texture pack out there and definatley makes worldpainter and nordic builds look better. See you guys next time!!!


8 06 2013

Thankyou guys because I have now reached over 500 views and I could not have done it without yor help. Thankyou!!!!!!.

Minecraft survival.

23 04 2013

For a little while now,I will be talking about survival in minecraft mixed in with my regular posts. For the past few weeks i have been playing survival on minecraft so I thought I would share my tips with you. Always build your house close to spawn so if you die you can easily get back home. Live off the land,don’t build a house in the middle of a grass plain. Build a tree house,a mine house or what I like to do is build into a mountain near water and a cave. Raid villages, you can collect wheat,wheat seeds and anything in chests,you can use the wheat seeds to make your own farm later. Build your own farm, get sugarcane,pumpkins,melons,wheat,pigs,cows,chicken and sheep but don’t kill the sheep just shear them. Finally,build a wall around your house and farm to protect also build mob traps.


20 04 2013

HI, I wanted to give a shout out to TheBritNerds YouTube channel. The guy who owns the channel is a good friend of mine. He does gaming videos such as Minecraft. Also in a few weeks i might be posting minecraft videos on the channel. So please go to the channel and like, comment and subscribe. We are trying to reach 50 subscribers so please help. Here is the link so please check him out, thankyou. TheBritNerds.

Blacksmith and butcher.

8 04 2013

We will start with the blacksmith. This is the heart and soul of your armour and weapons production. Have small over hanging shelters with an outside workspace,(the bottom floor should have only 1-2 walls with a few pillars). Include cauldrons full of water and a furnace as well as a large chimney with a large smelter in the middle of the workspace. For the butchers there are a few things to do, you can have a small field with some pigs in and have a room that can’t be seen as that will be the slaughter room. Have a counter and some shelves. Use redstone for blood stains or if you want a better alternative get the custom NPC mod and use the blood block. The custom NPC mod allows you to create great NPC’s for your minecraft world and use unique custom items and weapons. Give jobs to your NPC’s so you can actually buy stuff from them with coins. For better shelves use the bibliocraft mod, this allows you to have bookshelves (actually place real enchanted and written book in proper places on the shelf.), potion shelves, shelves, labels, weapon racks desks, glass cabinets and armour stands.


8 04 2013

We now move on to craftmanships, this could be a larger topic so it might be a couple of posts. Craftmanship are key to any city, they are used to provide armour, food, weapons and many resources. The craftmanships you should definitely have are a blacksmith, butchers, bakery and a tailor. You also need a farm, which I have already covered, an armoury and a library. Looks like I will cover them in the next few blogs. Also please leave comments on what you want me to write about and what you like about this blog.


8 04 2013

The topic now is farms. Even though I have mentioned it before, I’m going to say it again, Don’t put farms inside the city. You can put them close to the city but outside the city still. A decent sized farm should have a farmhouse, a barn, a stylo,2-3 large wheat fields and a windmill. The farmhouse should be a large house with a small storage area and a cellar, it should have many more rooms than a regular house. The barn can be medium-sized with a small area for a few animals, you could have a more shepherd farm and have lots of sheep or a cattle farm instead. In the barn also have 1-2 piles of wheat, use either sand, sandstone or sponge blocks ( I recommend sponge ). The stylo can look kind of like a guard tower except for the windows, have a bit less of a point and should be slightly smaller. The wheat fields should be a random shape (not square or rectangular). Add details like random tall grass and a tree in the field. Also WHEAT DOES NOT NEED WATER TO GROW!!! Water just speeds up the process. Plant like this; Till with hoe, plant seeds, use bone meal. On the farm have a windmill, maybe even 2. Also have a few windmills on any surrounding hills. Place windmills throughout the world but a bit less commonly as guard towers. The path to the farm should be made with many different blocks and should have some blocks missing.

Beyond the city.

8 04 2013

Place Guard towers everywhere!

Don’t just build inside the city walls, build beyond the city gates. You can build small villages, a single house and even build your own forest with secrets and villages in the forest. You could build smaller cities in unique locations like on a mountain if you wanted. What you should build a lot of outside the city gates though, are farms. Big farms, little farms. This is because farms wouldn’t have been in the cramped city. It would just look out-of-place and awkward. You should build a lot of  guard towers in and outside of your city. Build them on hills in the city as it would look weird if they were on normal ground and build them on hills, cliffs, mountains, islands and on the ground outside the city. With these tips once you have finished the main city you can fill up the rest of the world.


7 04 2013

Working with the landscape.

You can if you really want to but I wouldn’t recommend going on super flatland because it won’t look realistic. Always work with the landscape not against it, it might be harder but it will look much better. You should go seed searching to find the right seed to build your city on.


7 04 2013

Minecraft castle. A perfect landmark

In your city you should also have some landmarks like a cathedral, castle ruins, a tower or a castle. This will break up the landscape more and avoid just having the same scenery of houses and shops. Bit of a short post but it is still a useful tip.